Camera 📷 : Canon PowerShot ELPH 115.
Date taken. : 31-05-2016 17:06.
Focal length: 5 mm.
Max aperture: 3.34375.
ISO speed: ISO-1600.
Clicks and Edits:Madhan Raj
Check out Madhan raj (@vamadhanraj):
Miniature Life Tutorial In the past few months I’ve received quite a few requests and questions around creating a tutorial for how I do photos like these, making myself miniature! I’ve been meaning to write a tutorial for how I achieve this look but haven’t had much time to sit and write one out, until now! I’ll break the tutorial down into two parts, shooting the actual images and then editing them. Shooting The Photos! The first thing I always try to before I take any photo but especially these miniature ones, is make sure that I have a solid concept and an idea of any props or supplies I might need. The more prepared you are for shooting, the easier the entire process becomes. From my experience, shooting miniature scenes works best with simple backgrounds like walls, windows, or lush forest areas. If you have a busy background, even one with a lot of bokeh it can be difficult to make the images match in lighting. Once you have your concept and your location it...
awesome photos